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Email Marketing

What is EDM?

Email marketing is one of the most powerful tools you can use to turn a lead into a conversion, build customer loyalty, and offer each and every one a personalised experience that makes them feel a deeper connection to your company. In order to work though, it has to be done right, which is why we here at OMYK Digital are here to help your business master its EDM (Electronic Direct Mail).

Email Marketing (EDM)

Whether you are B2B or B2C, are an established industry giant or just starting out, selling a tried and tested product or are on the cutting edge of innovation, we are here to make sure your email marketing budget works for you. We will work with you to determine the ideal platform to springboard you to success before making email creative that doesn’t just make sure you stand out, but that you are remembered. From here we will establish a fully integrated email automation system to ensure that even as we boost your customer retention, we improve your efficiency with the final product being a truly revolutionised email marketing ROI.

Welcome Email: Your first active introduction to your customer. It may not get you a lifelong buyer but what it will do is increase your credibility, allow you to tell your story, and serve as the basis for future emails to drive sales.

Abandon cart: One of the most effective forms of EDM, with an average cart abandonment rate of 69.57% if you are not sending emails following up on customers who leave your site with items in their cart you are missing out on a huge amount of business.

Customer retention: Whether you are reminding customers of the value of your product, or encouraging active engagement, customer retention emails are a key tool to make your customer feel a part of the process and keep coming back for more.

Promotional email: Everyone loves getting a deal, and simply letting someone know that there is one available is often enough to get them through the door. These are especially effective when used in tandem with abandoned cart emails to offer someone a deal on the items they had almost bought to push them over the edge and get that sale.

Lead generation: Create content your customer will want to see, catch their attention with a subject line that stands out, or use a title to generate intrigues… there are many ways to turn an apathetic reader into a potential lead, start using them today.

Personalised email: When consumers are 80% more likely to make a purchase when offered a personalised experience, this really is a no brainer. Whether it is a birthday message or something based on their shopping habits, personalised emails can and will make or break your email marketing strategy.


Email Automation

It is no secret that the future of efficiency in business is automation, and email marketing is no different. Email automation is already a reality for thousands of businesses, and with an average 14.5% increase in sales productivity and a 12.2% reduction in marketing overhead, the results speak for themselves.

Here at OMYK Digital, we will craft you a fully automated email marketing strategy that will rely on customer behavioural triggers to deliver the perfect message at the perfect moment time and time again. Don’t let yourself get left behind, get email automation today.


Short answer? Yes! Slightly longer answer? Absolutely yes! Email marketing is an essential tool in every digital marketing strategy today with one of the best ROIs in the industry.

Yes, posts that are badly calibrated can actively harm your business, which is why we engage in thorough research before creating a comprehensive social media marketing strategy that will get results.

Absolutely, some of the most cost-effective email marketing is to existing customers.

Email Automation is the establishment of systems that automatically email customers upon set triggers to ensure that they are always getting the right messaging at the right time.

Yes, email automation may seem like a ‘nice to have’ extra at the moment, but in a few years, it is going to be an essential for every business out there. Get ahead of the curve and start email automation today.

To get email automation right takes a bit of setting up and so it can seem costly at first, but after the initial setup, the costs will instantly be outweighed by the massive boost in productivity.

Would like to discover more about what we can help you achieve success? Get in touch to lock in a free consultation.